Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pop the Virtual Champagne Cork

Okay, so most of you know today and tomorrow is the Transit of Venus, right? A rare phenomena that will not occur again for another 100+ years, the Transit has fascinated me ever since I came across it while doing research for my angel UF. (The Transit plays a significant role in my short novel.)

Now, I'm not saying that the Transit has anything to do with the following news, but it sure is coincidental. :-) Today, I received a couple pieces of good news, one of which I can't share yet. But the other one is my poem "Ophelia Lies Dreaming" is now published in the digital magazine Indigo Rising UK (Issue2). If you're interested in checking it out, here's the link: http://indigorisinguk.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/issue2.pdf You'll have to enlarge the text and you might have to use the horizontal scroll bar, but it's there. Promise. :-) My poem is supposed to be on page 32.

Besides the aforementioned news, I have another short story that just came out. "Family Heirloom" was published in the digital anthology Scared - Ten Tales of Horror. Any time you think you have an idea that isn't worth merit, don't listen. I thought my idea about a cursed kris (a dagger usually with a wavy blade) was a silly one no one would want. I came across stories about krises coming to life and killing on their own during my research on weapons. I jotted my idea down and filed it away.

When Rayne gave me the opportunity to submit a story idea, the kris story came to mind. I didn't know if it would fit the anthology's needs but it couldn't hurt to try. And it didn't. :-)

If you'd like to find out more about Scared, go to:

1 comment:

Sara-Jayne Townsend said...

Congratulations, Pamela!

I'm posting good news this week too, so maybe this Transit thing is auspicious after all.
